Wednesday 2 September 2009

Music Video Notes

The Purpose of Music Videos

* To make the song more interesting
* Advertise the artists and market their songs (make money)
* Create or re-create an artists’ image
* Get other people in their videos to boost their image.
* Some people don’t listen to radio
* To get in on the viral marketing craze (youtube is fun!)

Different Types of Music Videos

* Give meaning to the lyrics (Michael Jackson).
* Follows conventional storyline or storyline is the same as the lyrics (Narrative Videos).
* Abstract - doesn’t feature artist or has no bearing on the song (Dance Videos).
* Promote a particular image of an artist (Any X-Factor contestant).
* Technical - to show off a new technical style (A-ha – Take on Me).

Conventions of Music Videos

* Synchronised editing or action
* Off beat editing
* Short shot length
* Heavy use of tracking dollies/gliding camera angles
* Intertextuality

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