Monday 14 September 2009

Music Video Analysis- Beyonce- Halo.

Beyonce's image in this video is to make her seem innocent and vunerable in most of the scenes however, she also has scenes in which she keeps up the image she normally portrays of being sexy. The image of innocence is achieved by using bright lighting with plain, simple and mainly white clothing, with natural looking make up and tied back hair so that her neck is exposed which emphasises the vunerability. Also the main focus is on her neck and eyes which show emotion and there is a close up of her boyfriend's hands around her waist so she looks protected. However, when she is coming across as being sexy we see her wearing black clothing which is tighter and smaller, along with more make up and her hair is down. Here the focus is more on the eyes and mouth and there are more long shot so that the audience can see her dancing, also the lighting becomes darker. The reason she is portrayed in this way is because the innocence is more suited to the type of song and the lyrics than being sexy would. It also gives a different view of herself to make her seem more real to her target audience as she usually produces videos in which she wears very little and does a lot of dancing, typical of an r'n'b artist's video. The target audience for this video would be mainly women, aged between 15 and 25 years who would usually listen to music of a similar genre (R'n'B, hip hop, dance) and mainly mainstream. The video meets their requirements as there is nothing extravagant about it, there is the real life situation of love, they are in a house and the dancing appeals to any age woman as do the clothes.

In this scene there is a bright white background which is very simple, it looks as though it is enhanced daylight, she is looking at her boyfriend in bed which we saw in the previous shot. The innocence comes across here with the white walls, the clothing and her hair is up.

This shot has the look of a dance studio as there are wooden floors, full length mirrors and windows and the bars along the wall. There is a man standing in the foreground looking down on Beyonce from a window and the light is coming from behind her although it is not as bright as the other scenes. There is the sence of voyeurism from the audience as we are watching the man watching Beyonce and neither of them are aware of being watched. The image of innocence is lost here as she is wearing black, being watched and the lighting is darker.

Here we can see a close up on the face and hands and the background has been blurred although we can make out a white sofa and windows. She looks at her hands and almost in the direction of the camera, however her hands obstruct half of her face so there is no connection to the audience, amplyfying the feel of voyeurism. She is wearing more eye make up and looks less innocent, however she still looks vunerable as her hands are near her face and there is no jewellery or nail varnish, they are very simple.

In one of the final scenes we see her and her boyfriend sitting on a sofa, holding a dog between them. Again it feels like voyeurism as they are sharing a moment and the audience feels as though they are intruding. The lighting is in the background and it comes across as a good relationship due to the light colours they are both wearing and the lighting.

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