Thursday 10 September 2009

Contribution to final album cover

Before we startred taking pictures, we all put all of our original ideas together to see what we thought of each others ideas. We then decided that the most effective way of testing out these ideas was to take a few photos and see what would work better for us and the image we are trying to create for our artist. We had already agreed on having a plain brick wall as the whole backdrop of the album cover but with the members of the band in the forground NOT looking towards the camera. We also thought that a slight low angle shot would also boost the artists image by making them seem quite big, tall and powerful. This can be associated with their music by the way it stands out from the crowd.

In the editing stage of creating the album cover, I said that, because of the album name 'chill zone', we should try and make the it look a little unusual. So, we tryed to blur the brick work so that it looked a little like camoflage netting but red brick colour. We also experimented with a colour over the top of the picture. We all liked the ideas that we had brought forward, so we did both. The obvious part being that the album cover is yellow and if you look closely, you can see that the band members have been tampered with.

We are using this as our final CD album cover.

I have also taken a major part discuss what our music video is going to be. We decided that a persuit or race to something would be a good idea. I said that they could be running to something really important and when they get there is will be something rubbish like an easter egg or a cuddly toy. This would add comedy to the video and give the audience something extra to look forward to.

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