Sunday 6 September 2009

Evaluation of Contribution

There wasn't a particular task that was completely left down to one individual, within the project. Each member of the team was as committed as the other. Each member played a bigger role in certain aspects, but everyone had some say in each matter. I feel that I contributed well to the editing aspects of the task and also the research/brainstorming, this was probably because I had a basic understanding of Photoshop, meaning that I could roughly transfer ideas from other members of the team into actual possible album covers. Saying this, I also let the other members of the group make their own minds up for tasks such as location and capturing the images as I didn't feel this was a particular strong area of mine, compared to other members of the team, who were more experienced in this field. All in all, there was not one individual leader, and in that sense, I am pleased with how we worked as a team and most of all, how we came to the end result.

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