Monday 13 July 2009

Practical task 1: what to blog

You need to upload your notes on the following topics. They MUST be labelled with your name. You should be including pictures where you are commenting on visual design.

a) Your analysis of the image of 1-3 bands, as presented on posters. Include analytical terminology and comment on style, costumes and props, genre and sound, target audience.

b) Your designs for 3 new bands, with details as above. Include the picture work you developed, where applicable.

c) Your planning notes for the CD cover of the one band you chose to develop. Each person must load their own planning materials here, and label with their own name. This should include casting, colour scheme, name, genre and sound, styling and image, target audience.

d) Your evaluation of your own contribution to the technical parts of the task, including where applicable, a log of how long you spent on aspects of the task or on learning the techniques preparatory to doing the task.

As Miss Mapp indicates in her post, the final version of the cover should also be uploaded to the blog.

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