Thursday 16 July 2009

tips for finding copyright free music tracks

The exam board recommends that you consult the following sources, if you are struggling to find tracks you could use.

Copyright free options available for Music Video in G324: 


Approach local bands and get permission to use their material 

Approach unsigned bands on ‘My Space’ etc and get permission to use their 


Collaborate with music department/students in your centre on the project 

Create your own music or sound track. 

Appendix 1: Other useful information 


Explanations of copyright:  


(Copyright Act p47 Ch III para 32-36 covers Education – pages 46-51)

Copyright free sites  

(Note: not all music is free to download from copyright free sites – there are download fees) (free downloads) (free music) (teacher needs to register for this one) 


Free Sound Effects from 


Many, many more sites are available just ‘Google’ ‘copyright free music audio download’ or ‘free 

audio editor software’ 


Animal House album cover


Monday 13 July 2009

Viewing and Textual Analysis

View a range of music videos. Choose two to analyze in detail, using the materials in your reading pack to help you.

Your analysis must include:
- the artist/band's image: what is it, how is it achieved, why?
- the appeal to the target audience: who are they (profile)? how does the video meet their requirements?
- 4 screen grabs of specific moments in the video, analyzed in detail for mise en scene, codes of character, relationship to audience and use of symbolism.

Skills Audit

Don't forget that you must maintain your skills log over the summer. All of you set yourselves SMART targets - by the end of term and by the end of the holidays, you planned to have achieved certain things. Keep a record of which hours you spend on the iMacs or at home - this is important.

Summer background reading

You have all been given a work pack on music video. You must read it and:

a) Make or continue a glossary of key terms, learn them and get people to test you

b) Use this information to add depth to your analysis of existing bands/ CD covers - you will probably need to add terminology to the work you did on posters at the start of the module, for example

c) Use this information to add to your appreciation of music videos that you watch over the summer

Practical task 1: what to blog

You need to upload your notes on the following topics. They MUST be labelled with your name. You should be including pictures where you are commenting on visual design.

a) Your analysis of the image of 1-3 bands, as presented on posters. Include analytical terminology and comment on style, costumes and props, genre and sound, target audience.

b) Your designs for 3 new bands, with details as above. Include the picture work you developed, where applicable.

c) Your planning notes for the CD cover of the one band you chose to develop. Each person must load their own planning materials here, and label with their own name. This should include casting, colour scheme, name, genre and sound, styling and image, target audience.

d) Your evaluation of your own contribution to the technical parts of the task, including where applicable, a log of how long you spent on aspects of the task or on learning the techniques preparatory to doing the task.

As Miss Mapp indicates in her post, the final version of the cover should also be uploaded to the blog.

A2 First Post

Please put all your CD Cover work here!